Baraka is a fictional character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise by Midway Games and NetherRealm Studios. Introduced in Mortal Kombat II (1993), he is a Tarkatan, a fictional species residing in Outworld. As with other members of his race, he is able to retract a pair of blades from his forearms. Baraka is a recurring villain throughout the series, often depicted in the service of the franchise's primary villains, as well as the love interest to the half-Tarkatan Mileena. The character has received a positive reception for his appearance, special abilities, and Fatality finishing moves. He has also appeared in various media outside of the games.
As a Tarkatan, Baraka possesses greater stamina and fighting power than a normal human, along with his trademark weapon - the Tarkatan blades that extend from his forearms. He is also shown in many cases to have a highly acute sense of smell, as he can tell the true identity of targets by their scent, and a potent healing factor, as he was able to survive Kung Lao's Body Slice Fatality in the events of Mortal Kombat Trilogy (though he required giant staples to hold his body together). With the addition of body spikes in MK11, he can now shoot the spikes out of his back as a defensive maneuver. Additionally, Baraka now seems to be able to break off and regrow his Tarkatan Blades at will as seen in various special attacks but most noticeably his Fatal Blow.
Flying shard
Chop chop blades
Blade swipe
Blade Spin
Blade charge
Scrape kick
Triple flying shard
Air blade spin
War banner
Blood lunge
Leg kabob
War banner bash
War banner charge
Spine burst